Full Stack Development
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- Full Stack Developement
Full-stack developers can expect career growth in the coming years, with some sources predicting a 13% increase in web developer jobs through 2026. Full-stack developers are in high demand because they can create and manage both the front and back ends of websites and applications. They need to understand front-end and back-end development, user experience design, and databases, and have strong problem-solving, communication, and programming skills.
What You'll Learn
- Build Websites with HTML & CSS learn the fundamentals of creating visually appealing and responsive websites using HTML and CSS.
- Develop Backend Servers & APIs gain proficiency in building robust backend servers and APIs using Node.js and Express.
- Work with No SQL Databases master the use of No SQL databases, specifically Mongo DB, to store and manage data efficiently.
- Create Full-Stack Web Apps with React build dynamic and interactive full-stack web applications using Facebook's React framework.
- Design Mobile-Friendly Websites develop mobile-responsive websites using Bootstrap 4 and advanced CSS techniques.
Syllabus for Full Stack Development Course
- Document
- HTML Tags
- HTML Document Structure
- The Declaration
- Heading Tags
- Paragraph Tag
- Line Break Tag
- Cantering Content
- Horizontal Lines
- Preserve Formatting
- Nonbreaking Spaces
- HTML Tag vs. Element
- Nested HTML Elements
- Bold Text
- Italic Text
- Underlined Text
- Strike Text
- Monospaced Font
- Superscript Text
- Subscript Text
- Inserted Text
- Deleted Text
- Larger Text
- Smaller Text
- Valid vs Invalid Comments
- Multiline Comments
- Conditional Comments
- Using Comment Tag
- Commenting Script Code
- Commenting Style Sheets
- Insert Image
- Set Image Location
- Set Image Width/Height
- Table Heading
- Cellpadding and Cellspacing Attributes
- Colspan and Rowspan Attributes
- Table Height and Width
- Table Header, Body, and Footer
- Nested Table
- HTML Unordered Lists
- The type Attribute
- HTML Ordered Lists
- The type Attribute
- The start Attribute
- HTML Definition Lists
- The <iframe>Tag Attributes
- The<div> tag
- The<span>tag
- Form Attributes
- HTML Form Controls
- Text Input Controls
- Single-line text input controls Attributes
- Password Input Controls Attributes
- Multiple-Line Text Input Controls Attributes
- Checkbox Control Attributes
- Radio Button Control
- Select Box Control Attributes
- File Upload Box
- Button Controls
- The<embedded> Tag Attributes
- Supported Video Types
- Background Audio
- HTML Object tag
- The<MARQUEES > Tags
1. Inline CSS
2. Internal styles
3. External styles
4. CSS Selectors, Properties & Values
5. Inheritance of Styles
6. Pixels, Percentages, Points & Ems!
7. ID Selectors
8. Class Selectors
9. Descendant Selectors
10. Grouping Selectors
11. The Box Model
12. Colours (or Colors)
13. Text Styling & Formatting
14. Font Family
15. Typography
16. Borders
17. Background Images
18. Styling Forms
19. Styling Links
20. Block & Inline Elements
21. Float & Clear
22. CSS Positioning
23. CSS Animation
24. CSS Media Query
1. What is Bootstrap Framework
2. Why Bootstrap
3. History of Bootstrap
4. Advantages of Bootstrap Framework
5. What is Responsive web page
6. How to remove Responsiveness
7. Major Features of Bootstrap
8. What is Mobile-First Strategy
9. Setting up Environment
10. How to apply Bootstrap to Applications?
11. What is Bootstrap Grid
12. How to apply Bootstrap Grid
13. What is Container
14. What is Offset Column
15. How to Reordering Columns
16. Advantages of Bootstrap Grid
17. How to Display Responsive Images
18. How to change class properties?
19. How to use readymade themes
20. What is Bootstrap Typography
21. How to use Typography
22. What is Bootstrap Tables
23. What is Bootstrap Button
24. How display images in different styles like Circle shape etc.
25. What are the different types of Bootstrap Components?
26. What is Glyph Icons Component?
27. How to use Glyph Icons Component?
28. What is Bootstrap Dropdown Menu Component
29. What is Button Groups and Button Toolbar?
30. How to use Button Groups and Button Toolbar?
31. What are different Input Groups Components
32. What is Navigation Pills & Tabs Components?
33. How to use Navigation Pills and Tabs Components?
34. What is Navbar Component How to build a Responsive Navbar
35. How to Add Forms and other controls to Navbar
36. How to Fix the position of navbar
37. What is Breadcrumb Component
38. What is Pagination Component ? How to apply Pagination in Application
39. What is Labels / Badge Components
40. What is Jumbotron / Page Header Components
41. What is Thumbnail Component
42. What is Alerts & Dismissible Alerts
43. How to Create Progress Bar
- Hello World!
- A Brief Introduction to JavaScript
- Linking a JavaScript File
- Values and Variables
- Data Types
- let, const and var
- Basic Operators
- Operator Precedence
- Strings and Template Literals
- Taking Decisions: if / else Statements
- Type Conversion and Coercion
- Truthy and Falsy Values
- Equality Operators: == vs. ===
- Boolean Logic
- Logical Operators
- The switch Statement
- Statements and Expressions
- The Conditional (Ternary) Operator
- Activating Strict Mode
- Functions
- Function Declarations vs. Expressions
- Arrow Functions
- Functions Calling Other Functions
- Reviewing Functions
- Basic Array Operations (Methods)
- Introduction to Objects
- Object Methods
- Iteration: The for Loop
- Looping Arrays, Breaking and Continuing
- Looping Backwards and Loops in Loops
- The while Loop
- React JS Basics
- React JS Features
- React JS Setup and Hello World Application
- React JS JSX 5. React JS Component
- React JS State
- React JS Props
- React JS Constructor
- React JS Lifecycle
- React JS Events
- React JS Router
- React JS Forms
- React JS Tables
- React JS Portals
- React JS ES6
- React JS CSS
- React JS Hook
- React JS and Back End Integration
- React JS Using Back End CRUD Application
- Installation Set up
- How to Create Tables
- MySQL Data Types
- Primary Keys
- Null values and Not Null Values
- Auto Increment
- Insert Tables
- Deleting Tables
- Truncating Tables
- Update table
- Inner Join
- Right Join
- Natural Join
- Left Join
- Full Outer Join
- Self-Join
- Cross Join
- Select Statement
- Using Inequality Symbols
- Null Values
- In, Not In
- Between
- Like
- Order By
- Limit
- Column Name Alias
- Any and ALL
- Existing And Non Existing
- Sub Query
- Windows Functions
- Introduction to Python
- What is Python and history of Python?
- Unique features of Python
- Install Python and Environment Setup
- First Python Program
- Python Identifiers, Keywords and Indentation
- Comments and document interlude in Python
- Python Data Types
- Variables
- Operators
Chapter 2: Control Statements
- if-else
- if-elif-else
- Switch
- while loop
- for loop
- break
- continue
- return
Chapter 3: List, Ranges & Tuples in
- Lists in Python
- More about Lists
- Understanding Iterators
- Generators, Comprehensions and Lambda Expressions
- Introduction o Generators and Yield o Next and Ranges
- Tuples
Chapter 4: Python Dictionaries and Sets
- Introduction to the section
- Python Dictionaries
- More on Dictionaries
- Sets
Chapter 5: Input and Output in Python
- Reading and writing text files
- writing Text Files
- Appending to Files and Challenge
- Writing Binary Files Manually
- Using Pickle to Write Binary Files
Chapter 6: Python built in function
- Python user defined functions
- Python packages functions
- Defining and calling Function
- The anonymous Functions
- Loops and statement in Python
Chapter 7:Python Object Oriented Overview of OOP
- The self variable
- Constructor
- Types Of Variables
- Namespaces
- Creating Classes and Objects
- Inheritance
- Types of Method
- s o Instance Methods
- Static Methods o
- Class Methods
- Accessing attributes
- Built-In Class Attributes
- Destroying Objects
- Abstract classes and Interfaces
- Abstract Methods and Abstract class
- Interface in Python
- Abstract classes and Interfaces
Chapter 8: + Exceptions Errors in Python
- Compile-Time Errors
- Runtime Errors
- Logical Errors
- What is Exception
- Handling an exception
- Try…. except…else
- Try-finally clause
- Argument of an Exception
- Python Standard Exceptions
- Raising an exception
- User-Defined Exceptions
Chapter 9: Python Regular Expressions
- What are regular expressions?
- The match Function
- The search Function
- Matching vs searching
- Search and Replace
- Extended Regular Expressions
Chapter 10: Python Multithreaded Programming
- What is multithreading
- Difference between a Process and Thread
- Concurrent Programming and GIL
- Uses of Thread
- Starting a New Thread
- The Threading Module
- Thread Synchronization
- o Locks o Semaphore Deadlock of Threads
- Avoiding Deadlocks
- Daemon Threads
Chapter 11: Using Databases in Python
- Python MySQL Database Access
- Install the MySQLdb and other Packages
- Create Database Connection
- DML and DDL Operation with Databases
- HTTP protocol
- MVC model
- Virtual environment
- Django structure
- Generic Views
- HTML templates
- URL dispatcher
Advanced Django for Web and Automation
- Custom Views
- GET and POST methods
- URL shortened
- User model
- Logic in templates
- Querying models
- Serving Staticfiles
- Deployment of Django
- Automating tasks with Django
This Course Include
- Certification of completion
- Practical Experience
- Interactive Workshops
- Immediate Feedback and Support
Daily Class
- 60 to 90 minutes
Have Any Question?
At Ameyya, we are passionate about education and its transformative impact. Get in touch with our expert counsellors to guide you on the right training to boost your career opprtunities.
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What our Learning Partners have to say
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At Ameyya, we are passionate about education and its transformative impact.
Get in touch with our expert counsellors to guide you on the right training to boost your career opportunities.
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